Planoles to Querablo

10 JUNE 2023

I set off at 8:00 today, heading up through the forest at the back of the camp site. I was joined by a large group of Spanish hikers from a local club. We climbed together to Refugi Corral Blanc, where we stopped for refreshments.

I wanted to walk alone for the rest of the route so headed off ahead of the group, along the road to Collet de les Barraques and down the path towards the Torrent de L'Estremera. I could feel rain in the air. I decided to make my way down to the village of Queralbo rather than push on along the short cut to Nuria.

Th decent was spectacular, along the side of a gorge where sand stone outcrops hung full of caves; I sat in one for a while to savour the silence.

In Queralbo, I got food and felt nourished for the first time for a few days. The the rain started falling. I decided to stay in the village at the hostel on the outskirts and go on to Nuria in the morning.


Querablo to Nurio


Puigcenda to Planoles