Nurio to Setcases

11 JUNE 2023

I decided to set off early this morning as the highest section of the GR11 is on this stretch and I wanted to get well past it by lunchtime when thunderstorms were forecasted.

Armed with a large packed lunch, I set off up the hillside to Col de Noucreus at 2785ms. I was apprehensive - what if its too dangerous? what if I have to turn back?

At the top of the Col I saw the nine crosses of the monks who are thought to be buried here. I passed the border stone and walked on in cloud along the ridge. The stretch to Col de Tirapits was spectacular - there were fantastic views on both sides of the track towards the mountain ranges in the distance. I felt fantastic and on top of the world.

It wasn't until I started descending into the valley that I realised I'd come over the highest point - looking back the ridge looked incredible. On the descent I met another older trekker and a German couple coming the other way. I stopped off at the refuge on the way down for home made cake and tea.

The road to Setcases was long and tedious. I passed some horses on the way who were licking the salty water off the road. Further along the road I was offered a ride for the last km. I took this offer willingly and used the local guidance to find the only open hotel; La Coma, where a group of bikers where also staying.


Setcases to Beget


Querablo to Nurio