Llanca to Cape de Creus

20 JUNE 2023

The last day of the trek!

I was excited to get going and headed off into the mountains on a steep ascent behind the town. I love this time in the morning when its clear and a cool temperature. I climbed up to the cairn on the coll and followed the ridge round.

The monastery at de Sant Pere de Rodes came quickly - huge building, built into the hillside. It was not a particularly attractive design because of its block like towers. The monastery dates back to the 800 - 900s, with a Benedictine monastery occupying the site in the 11 century as an important part of a pilgrimage route. The buildings were restored in 1935 and now form a major tourist attraction.

The descent to Eglesia de Sant Sebastia was steep and led to the small hamlet of La Selva de Mar. At El Port de la Selva, I dropped down to the port and sat at a café on the breach front

I took the wrong route from here to Cap de Creus ending up at Cadaques further down the coast instead. I couldn't believe that I'd missed the last section to the most easterly point. Nevertheless, I decided to take a bus into the local park area and then walk from there to the light house at Cap de Creus. So.... I completed the GR11, walking through low shrub and up to the bar/restaurant on the end point. There were fantastic views overlooking the rocky coastline and the blue sea below.

I finished the day with a tea and cake watched over by an eager seagull. It felt fantastic to have finished, walked all these kms, expanding my awareness of what's possible and what I was capable of.

I felt a wave of anti-climax wash over me as a waited at the bus station to take the transport back to Llanca. The west to east pilgrimage was complete. Now it was time to make a slow and intentional journey back to NL.




Espolla to Llanca