
27 december 2022

I moved hotels to the small Auberge Seidi 11 round the corner, where I was the only guest. This room cost 140,000GF and felt better.

I spent the morning discovering the route to the Pont de Dieu, a natural rock bridge hidden deep in the forest area. My initial attempts to get there were stopped by groups of children demanding money and to be my tour guide - so much for a peaceful walk. I went back to the main junction and negotiated a ride with a local man on his motorbike. Once there, we were able to hike around, view the waterfalls, see where the villagers were growing their vegetables and discovered a cobra hidden in between the rocks. This ended up begin a really enjoyable half day trip.

I found another hiking route up to the top of a ridge which gave a good view down to the town. From here I was able to see the sprawl of the dwellings, the agricultural area and the more remote villagers beyond.

I found a local restaurant to eat fish and rice and met plenty of interesting people who helped me get a little glimpse into life in this more remote part of Guinea where work is hard to find and life is mainly subsistent.


Outamba - Kilimi National Park

