
8 February 2024

My journey north ended up being towards Malawi rather to the northern border of Mozambique into Tanzania as I had intended. This border area was still unsettled and I was advised by locals to travel through the Tete corridor where the borders to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi were all safe to cross.

This route took me to Chimoio and then north to Tete, the last town before crossing into Malawi.

Chimoio was a really interesting town where I met friendly people and was able to walk around easily. This involved going to the market for food to cook in the hostel kitchen, taking a walking route through the outing villages and climbing Monte Chizombeiro.

Tete is split in to two settlements, straddling the Zambezi River. I stayed on the southern side where European settlers established their base for an ivory and gold trade. Now the more gentrified part of town, its possible to find a few cafes, supermarkets and bars. There was a huge election rally taking place in the stadium during my visit.



