
24 MAY 2023

On the last morning of the tour, we spent time in the Quiver tree forest as the sun rose. This incredible collection of trees is like no other. In the distance, I could hear the sound of Andrew's recorder and Karen's deep singing voice. The atmosphere as mystical and surreal.

We made our way back to Windhoek on the main B1 road which dissects the country from north to south. Construction was in progress at its southern end to widen the road and maintain the flow of traffic through this important thoroughfare.

We stopped for our last picnic on route, accompanied by the last duet from my fellow travellers.

To end our time together in Namibia. Andrew. Karen and I met at the Pepata restaurant in Windhoek to eat local fish, pap, spinach and beans. A fabulous way to finish our special time together, getting to know the wonders of this incredible country. A huge thank you to the travelling team and to Greg and John for making the tour so complete in everyway.


Cape Town

