

Crossing the border from Ghana to Togo

From the guest house in Wli Falls, it was possible to walk east along the Main Street to the police check point to get an exit stamp for Ghana. I then walked through the gate , along a track and then through the gate to Togo. At the police office at the gate, I got an entry stamp for Togo. Apart from the respective visas, no other documents were asked for. Easy and friendly.

The Togo chief of police rang for motorbike taxis for me and another traveller - a young mother with her baby. The motorbikes arrived shortly afterwards and took us to Adeta. The ride was exhilarating - up the hillside and down into valleys as we passed through the Togolese mountains, our drivers carefully navigating the potholes in the road.

Journey to Kpalime
I took a shared taxi from Adeta to Kpalime for 2500CFA, which took the tarmaced road heading south. This stopped and I took a motorbike taxi to Hotel Les Geyser on the outskirts of town by the judicial building. Rooms were 15,000CFA. This hotel offered a very clean pool and a bar area. For me, it was safe and secure, provided food and the manager spoke good English.

Wome Falls
These water falls are not as spectacular as the Wli falls but are equally enticing. In a closed caved area, the water cascades over a rock lip into a deep shaded pool. It was here that I ended up doing an interview for a National TV team, who were in the area filming a documentary about the need to conserve the places of natural beauty. A member of their team spoke good English and acted as my interpretator saving everyone from my appalling French.




Wli Falls