The Unsung Hero

Youssouf was one of many people who showed up every day for his community and took full responsibility for the role only he could do.

Based in Ndende, Gabon, Youssouf was the driver of a 4X4 Toyota pickup truck which provided a daily return taxi service to the border crossing post and then on to the first town in The Republic of the Congo. His vehicle was the only one that did this trip along the untarred track, taking passengers to their scattered communities on route. Irrespective of the weather conditions and the state of the track, Youssouf coaxed the vehicle through stream crossings and over deep ruts, to connect the towns.

What inspired me, was the way Youssouf related to every person who travelled with him and met along the way. I saw that he was so much more than a driver, a connector, a communicator and a trusted deliverer of goods, for the isolated communities in this area. He was also the person who enabled their produce to be traded, their belongings to be transferred and their emergency health needs to be managed. The passengers told me they always looked forward to the daily sound of his truck’s engine and the news, friendship and gentle humour that Youssof spread.


We Are Able


From a White Piece of Cloth