
8 july 2012

We trekked back to the village today, passing over ridges and through jailoos.

There were horses, goats and cows every where enjoying the rich pastures. We were joking about how lucky we had been with the weather when thunder started rolling.  We spent  the decent into the village walking through a hail storm and tramping, slipping and sliding along one of the muddiest tracks.

Absolutely soaked, we arrived at our cook's house. His wife invited us in for dumplings and chay. In the dryness of their lovely home, we changed, met his family and said our goodbyes.

Our last night was spend sleeping at the home of the village English teacher. We witnessed the most incredible thunder storm with the lightening going off right over the top of the house. The electricity went out for a while and we watched the light show from the windows.



