
7 july 2012

We camped within a cluster of buildings next to the lake.

This is where people come to pray for fertility, help with their children and good luck in finding a healthy bride! It is the custom to sacrifice a goat as a part of the praying ceremony. There is also a resident holy man who will pray with the people. He was a lovely gentle man who told us stories about the lake. One involved a story that Mohammad's body is supposed to be buried in a cemetery behind a mountain in the area. A group of great guys from the village stayed there the night with us. They were 'doctors' who were riding around on their horses and donkeys collecting flowers to make their medicinal remedies. The locations of which seemed to be top secret.

Today we walked down the valley and through pasture land. We stopped at another lake to swim taking care to do this when there were no locals around. Seemingly it is very unholy to swim in these lakes.

Our camping spot today was on a flat plateau over looking beautiful valleys. All seemed idealic until some shepherds started shouting across the valley at us and two lads appeared on a donkey. It transpired that we had camped on their precious grazing land and were officially trespassing. So, as it got dark we had to transfer our camp to the other side of the track to make sure we did not offend the neighbours!



