
21 APRIL 2023

I just love setting off on a journey each day with no idea of how it will end up nor what will happen on route.

There had been thunder and lightening through out the night and heavy rain. When I walked through Mitzic to the transport depot at 5:00 in the morning it was dry but eerily empty. The transport depot was closed and was only opened when I knocked on the gate, by the security guard. Obviously, Julian's request for me to be early was precautionary. Everyone else arrived throughout the next hour!

Luggage was eventually loaded and we set off at 7:30 in torrential rain. Luckily I was sat behind the driver and couldn't see the way as he drove fast along the road navigating potholes, landslides and streams on the road. These drivers are so experienced on this road - you just have to trust.

We stopped at Ndjolo on route for breakfast; a muddy town by the river full of eating stalls, market sellers and a surprisingly cosy Lebanese-owned café selling coffee/tea and croissants.

The ride passed through truly spectacular countryside; mountainous ranges, deep broad rivers, thick luscious forest, occasional clearings, cloud covered valleys. And there are the logging trucks - loaded with huge long timbers of at least 1-2m radius. Most of these were stopped by the road side, presumable having set times when they can travel on to Libreville and the port.

Libreville is a world away from the villages of the interior. It seems to have cleaner air than most African cities and enjoys an estuary location close to the sea. There are green areas amongst the houses giving each quartier an European feel. After being dropped off at the Major Travel Depot, I travelled by taxi with Julian and his family members, stopping at his home first. This was on the outskirts of the city in a courtyard behind some small shop cabins. His children came out to greet us.

I travelled on to the hotel in central Libreville. Booked through, Hotel Imperial was good value in the centre of the city with a room with a view, for 55,000 CFA. Another amazing packed day.



