
Travelling is for life

Keep up to date with my travel adventures.

Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


On our journey, we stopped at a small spring by the roadside. The passengers all got out to drink the water and spread it over their hands and faces. They said it was sacred and would bring good luck.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


Lambarene has a famous hospital which was founded by 'the great white man from Lambarene'. Albert Schweitzer and his wife Helene originally came to the Andenda Mission station in April 1913 in service of the Paris Evangelical Mission who required a doctor.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


On returning to La Baie des Tortues Luth to catch the boat, I met Jamal. She is the mother of Ahmed, the owner and manager of the resort. We sat chatting for while and I got to know all about her family and how they came to be in Gabon.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


A short taxi and minibus drive from Libreville, gets you to an area of forest known as the Arboretum Raponda Walker. It's a protected 28 hectares of natural forest full of species of trees, lianas, medicinal plants and orchids.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


It's Sunday so I took pictures of churches and mosques. People were dressed up today and many were walking and playing around the beach area. Eid-al Fitr was celebrated yesterday, so many families were continuing the festivities today.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


Libreville is a world away from the villages of the interior. It seems to have cleaner air than most African cities and enjoys an estuary location close to the sea. There are green areas amongst the houses giving each quartier an European feel.

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Gabon Sue Aspinall Gabon Sue Aspinall


Today was a wonderful day, packed full of new experiences and a real adventure into the unknown.

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