
Travelling is for life

Keep up to date with my travel adventures.

Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall

Wli Falls

Today was another of those memorable days which came from a spontaneous decision at breakfast to go hiking alone in the spectacular hills.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall

Wli Falls

It was one of those truly adventurous days today - a chosen destination with no clue how to get there. You just have to set off and make decisions as you go. Hence, I travelled on motorbikes and in a shared minibus to get to Wli falls - brilliant rides through open countryside.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


It was wonderful to be able to sleep without AC or a fan. Here a cool breeze naturally modifies the temperatures. This morning, I ate omelette and bread with the family, prepared by Saskia, one of the daughters.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


After several days in Accra, I was looking forward to being out in Ghanaian countryside, now to the east of the country. I’d chosen Amedzofe as my destination as it claims to be the highest settlement in the country and lies in the Avatime Hills.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


I have spent today diving deep into the contemporary art scene in Accra and meeting some of the people who are promoting it.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


Busua is a relaxed peaceful fishing village attracting European tourists, NGOs and volunteers. Even so, it was quiet and a wonderful place to read, walk the beach and sit with a fruit juice.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


I was woken at 5:00 by loud talking coming through a speaker mounted at a road junction near the guest house. It turned out this was a daily occurrence and was the way community news was shared around the town.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall

Cape Coast

Today I travelled in a comfortable minibus with air conditioning to Cape Coast, a town on the coast to the west of Accra.

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Ghana Sue Aspinall Ghana Sue Aspinall


I’ve landed in Accra and immediately welcomed the English language spoken more widely here.

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