
Travelling is for life

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


I am staying in a hotel in the administrative part of the city which feels safe and sedate. There are restaurants and other hotels along this stretch of the peninsula.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


Today I travelled the 530km from Laayoune to Dakhla across the West Sahara desert, by CTM bus. An extraordinary journey on a very well maintained tarmacked road through kms of desert with little or no sighs of life.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


During the journey yesterday, we went through several police check points. The driver had the passports of any passenger's from African countries other than Morocco. Mine was only required at the check point just before Laayoune.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


The bus to Laayoune was scheduled to leave at 14:00 today so I had some more time to spend in Sidi Ifni. This morning there was a very thick sea fog hanging over the town so even walking on the beach was like walking in thick fog.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall

Sidi Ifni

Today was market day at the interesting town of Sidi Ifni, just south of Mirhleft. The market was of the more traditional type with everything laid out on the ground; huge piles of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, spices, pottery, plastics, home appliances, clothes and an extensive area put aside to the selling of belongings "car boot style'.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


The time has come to start heading south and onwards to the Mauritanian border. I could have easily stayed longer in this part of Morocco, hiking every day and getting to know more of its people. It deserves another visit.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall

Jebel El Kest

Today was another highlight on this trip. The weather was spectacular and climbing the mountain was incredible.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall

Amelyn Valley

I wandered through the numerous settlements nestled into the mountainside where most houses are now empty and in various stages of decay.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


Agadir is a city of contrasts and seems in a continual tension between the established old city life and the encroaching new developments.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


I've made a quick return visit to Marrakesh to catch up with friends before making the journey further south.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


I spent today roaming around Casablanca getting to know its layout, old town, sea front and incredible architecture, much of which is crumbling and shabby and tells a fascinating historical story.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


Today was a day of contrasts. I left the guest house in Imlil in light rain with views of snow topped mountains.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


Today I set off up the road leading to the pass at Tizi n'Tamatert experiencing the wonderful freedom of having no guide to show the way.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


It was wonderful to return to the mountains and the village of Imlil. This time I stayed in a family run Gite Tizi Muzik on the outskirts of town.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


I decided to do a return trip to Marrakesh to do some admin. and planning ahead of the next weeks. The city seemed very busy and hectic after the mountains.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


All the other trekkers had set off up the mountain when we eventually packed and descended. Snow had fallen in the night on some of the higher peaks.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


Today was one of the highlights so far on this trip. We set off early before sunrise, up through the valley towards the pass leading to Mount Toubkal. The sunrise came up over the lake and spread across the mountains - amazing.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall

Lake d’Ifne

The trek to the lake was through huge mounds of moraine until you emerge suddenly at the top of the ridge to look down on the lake and surrounding mountains. An amazing sight.

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Morocco Sue Aspinall Morocco Sue Aspinall


The rain in the night had also brought snow which lay on the upper slopes of the mountains around us.

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