
Travelling is for life

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Talaixa to Albanya

It was sunny when I woke up; I packed, had a drink of water from the spring and set off. I passed two monasteries nestled in the woods and valleys. The later one, at Sant Aniol d'Aguja, was by a bridge and next to a refuge still to be completed. The environment is very spiritual and peaceful - these monks chose their spots well.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Beget to Talaixa

Talaixa is an amazing place - based next to the remains of an old monastery. There is a bunk house which was built by a keen hiker as a retreat and emergency shelter for others. It sits up on a pass above the valley and has the most incredible views. It is so peaceful and sunny.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Setcases to Beget

I asked the hotel manager if there was accommodation open in Beget. He assured me I would be able to get a room at the hostel El Forn, so I walked today with no worries about where I would end up staying.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Querablo to Nurio

I felt a little vulnerable this morning. I thought I'd see some of my fellow trekkers at breakfast today - however they had already left. I packed and set off. Once on the route, I felt better.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Planoles to Querablo

I set off at 8:00 today, heading up through the forest at the back of the camp site. I was joined by a large group of Spanish hikers from a local club. We climbed together to Refugi Corral Blanc, where we stopped for refreshments.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall

Puigcenda to Planoles

I set off in rain this morning, however the cloud was lifting and I didn't need a coat. I felt fantastic to be on the road again though my usual apprehensions about finding my way, managing the hills and am I fit enough? lurked in my thoughts.

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Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall Spanish Pyrenees Sue Aspinall


I can't quite believe that I have made it back to Puigcerda from Cape Town via Angola, Madrid and Barcelona. The world is so small really and travel so doable when you know how to do the connections and get cheap options.

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Cape Town

and that's it...... the end of a wonderful adventure and months of discovery. Until the next town, Africa will remain in my blood and memories.

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Cape Town

I spent my last day in South Africa and on this trip, taking local transport to Camp Bay and then walking along the coast before taking transport back from Hout Bay to Cape Town. Walking along this coast line which is still undeveloped in sections was a great way to get out of the city and into the fresh air.

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Cape Town

Paarl is surrounded by mountains and vineyards and is set on the banks of the Berg River. Close by is the Drakenstein prison, from which Nelson Mandela walked to freedom on 11 Feb 1990. There is a superb statue of him outside the gates.

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Table Mountain

This is a most beautiful place at the foot of Table Mountain - 52,800 square kms of unique flora most of which is endemic to S Africa. The fynbos is the vegetation of the mountains and coastal plains of this SW Cape area. 'fine bush' - in Dutch.

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Cape Town

It's been pouring with rain today and I've felt the heavy weight which comes with thoughts of the imminent end of my travels. I've tried to remain distracted by visiting the sights in this fascinating city which oozes with history and vibrance:

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Robbin Island

A visit to Robben Island has been something I have wanted to include in a trip for many years. Having read much about the various freedom fighters who spent time in the prison there, I was keen to see it for real. Had I imagined it correctly from the descriptions and narratives?

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South Africa Sue Aspinall South Africa Sue Aspinall

Cape of Good Hope

I decided to walk across the lower outcrop to the Cape of Good Hope. Here you can climb up onto the view point to see out west and up along the coast line to the north. It felt incredible to be at this point - a key navigation landmark on the trading route.

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