Banos de Panticosa to Sant Nicolas de Bujaruelo

17 August 2022

I set off a bit later this morning to make the most of the massive hotel buffet breakfast.

Food becomes much more of a focus on these hikes and I'm needing to carbo load....... Adding additional bread and fruit to my pack for later.

The climb to the pass today was steady and lengthy. I got a bit freaked traversing round the edge of the mountain and seeing remnants of snow!

The long flat walk through the forest at the end of the day was really tiring and then arrived at the refuge to find there were no more beds. Slept in my tent next to a tent with a snoring biker in it!! The joys of the mountains......


Sant Nicolas de Bujaruelo to Refuge de Goriz


Refuge de Respomuso to Banos de Panticosa