
20 november 2022

I travelled south from Dakar this morning, taking a shared bush taxi from the principle bus station at Gare de Routier - Bomarasha. There was one space left in a taxi for 2500CFA so I was able to get going straight away.

I'm learning that in Senegal, French is king and in order to manage I need to get the pronunciation of all the directions I need as accurate as possible. I'm carrying labels in all the details of my travel needs written out phonetically in order to make things easier.

We drove along a great highway to the south travelling through a number of toll gates as we went. I got out at the junction to Mbour in order to backtrack up the coast to Somone, by taxi. A taxi cost 2500CFA and took me right to the door of the Auberge Keurmariguen in Somone village. This is a French owned establishment catering to the middle end tourist and frequented by French retirees. For 60,000CFA per night I have my own unit with ensuite bathroom. It's wonderfully peaceful, secure and right by the beach. I'm treating this as a holiday within my trip - a treat in order to catch up on sleep and to do some reading.

This afternoon I took a boat trip along the La lagune de la Somone. I paid 6000CFA for the boat with two others (probably more than necessary) and the 2000CFA admission fee. The boat trip was for about one hour and took use through three lagune areas, past the oyster bests and baobao trees. You get too see the mangroves up close and a few observations of pelicans, egrets, and herons. A lovely way to spend the afternoon.

This evening I visited the Chez Atty restaurant on the beach for some local fish. This is an absolutely amazing place - right on the beach, simple and delicious food.



