
11 APRIL 2023

The area around the monastery was wonderful for an early morning walk; quiet, expansive and full of birds.

After another shared meal we set off back to Baham passing a market in Bandjoun where we stopped to stock up on provisions. Here the prices are lower and negotiations were made. Betina and our driver, Major, bought food to take home; avocados, bananas and yams.

In Bandjoun, we visited the traditional chefferie (chiefs compound). We approached this through a ceremonial gate and walked towards the bamboo building in the centre of the compound. This has a conical roof and is supported by 60 wooden columns all carved with figures from secret societies, former chiefs dancers, musicians and animals. Behind the building is the second meeting place and which leads to the residence of the chief. Around the compound are the homes of the numerous wives and their children.

We passed by the smaller chefferie of Baham. Seemly, these chiefs have a tradition of being in conflict as neighbours.

In Baham village, we walked through the land of Betina's family, past her mother-in-laws house and the grave of her husband all covered in flowers. We learnt about the crops grown on the land and enjoyed some guavas from the tree.

Betina introduced us to her friend, Elisa. Elisa took us on a wonderful walk through the fields towards the large rocks of the area, then on towards a waterfall before returning to her house to be shown her kitchen. This was a very special section of my trip. Elise is a wonderful person; generous, kind and informative. A treasured friend to Betina and a joyful soul.



