
12 APRIL 2023

We drive back to the city today, stopping at two sets of waterfalls on the way. The first set are smaller and used as a sacred offering place. Salt and oil were spilt around the floor of the soil on the ledge above the waterfall.

These would be placed there as prayers were made. The second waterfalls are larger and impressive; developed into a tourist attraction, these have a walk way which enables you to get closer to see the powerful larger water fall and then the lighter more gentle falls on the return. The area is full of natural forest, insects, geckos and butterflies.

The drive back to Douala was slow once we hit the outskirts. The road is under construction and the vehicles have to navigate unfinished stretches of road.

Back at the Foyer de Marin, we settled into our rooms again and spent time processing our amazing trip. It has been so rich and full, with lots to learn and internalise about life in the Cameroon; the extremes of peoples' lives, Betina's life within this and our own perspectives. A fascinating opportunity and one which will form a highlight of my whole visit to W Africa.



